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Happy New Year!

I noticed a colleague wishing all his readers a happy new year, and not wanting to be left behind I am doing the same!

Some goals for this year:

  • Post more on this blog. My goal last year was one post per week on average. That's 52 posts. I made 33. I should, at the very least, beat 33, but let's hope I can make 52.
  • Enjoy Toronto. Ostensibly I love this city, but I know nothing about it. I need to do more to get into the life of this place while I'm still here. I'm not sure yet what that will entail.
  • Learn German. I can sort of speak German, but it's a cobbled-together German with little formal training. Just this morning I thought that perhaps I should enroll at the Goethe Institut Toronto and get my Zertifikat Deutsch. I'm not completely sure about this one yet, but considering I expect to live in Germany again, it's probably not a bad idea.
  • Finish my masters. My c.-v. says that I expect to complete it in the middle of 2008. I think that's reasonable considering all I have to do is a thesis. Keep watching this space for more information and (hopefully!) some innovative research into Agile Methods.
  • Learn bookkeeping. Bookkeeping stresses me out, so I don't do a very good job of it. For me, I think business success depends on me getting this aspect of my life under control.

There's a distinct lack of professional goals in the list above. It's not that I don't have them, but I think I need to focus on some personal goals and I think the professional goals will largely fill themselves in. I don't think I've been focusing enough on personal for a long time, and then personal and professional have both suffered.

Tagged bookkeeping, business, goals, masters, new years, professional, and resolutions.
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