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I received a great mailer a few days ago. It was a simple postcard, glossy, 9"x5". The front was simple: my address, a stamp, and the logo of the company that sent it:

The back was much more interesting. It contained some of the most compelling copy I've ever read:

I went straight to Google:

I clicked the link and was taken to Barefoot Creative's newly redesigned web site. Barefoot Google Bombed an anagram of their name. Theirs was the only result for Taborefo. I spent the next 10 minutes exploring the site, front-to-back. Right after, I e-mailed my praise to the company.

This makes me incredibly glad I chose Barefoot Creative to be my marketing/design company. They recently designed my new logo, which you can see on my Liquid Media site.

Full disclosure: One of the partners of the company is a friend of mine.

Tagged barefoot, branding, effective, and marketing.
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