Liquid Media's Apps

Pillars of Web 2.0

I was writing an e-mail to a client today, and I started describing and thinking of Web 2.0 as having a set of pillars that it rests on. As I continued down this path I thought of the following four pillars:

  • An interface enhanced by AJAX
  • An opportunity for user engagement in the community, possibly so much that much of the site has user-created or user-generated content
  • A user interface that enables and encourages social networking — that is, connecting to existing friends and finding new friends
  • An API (or Application Programming Interface) that enables third-party developers to engage with your application at a programmatic level, using features of your application in theirs

A Web 2.0 site typically rests on some combination of these four pillars. Well, these and a shiny, gradient design.

Can anyone come up with any others? I'll update this post with any suggestions I get.

Tagged ajax, api, pillars, social networking, user content, and web 2.0.
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